Tag Archives: uppababy

UPPAbaby Vista 2015 Parent Review

I’m Katy, a 31 year old Mum from Letchworth in Hertfordshire. I live with my husband James (who is clever, funny and handsome … his words) and our two little squishies. Hattie (our resident nutcase) will be 3 in July, and Charlie (our little chubber) is 4 months. I am a qualified Primary school teacher, a childminder and a self confessed pushchair fanatic. Although I do drive I much prefer to walk (maybe it’s because my car is just not as exciting to me as a pushchair!) and we attend lots of toddler groups, go to the park or to the library. I am absolutely delighted to be testing out the UPPAbaby Vista and cannot wait for its arrival so that I can try it out with my little ones!

UPPAbaby Cruz Parent Review

I’m 35 and live with my partner, Ben, and our 10 week old son, Oscar, in a small terraced house, in a village in South Leicestershire. As I’m currently on maternity leave from my job as a primary school teacher, I’ve got lots of time to put the UPPAbaby Cruz through its paces. Oscar and I are doing lots of parent and child classes and groups and getting out and about to make the most of my time off before I have to go back to school and juggle with the joys of being a working mum!

The UPPAbaby Cruz review

When I first saw the UPPAbaby Cruz in Cologne last year, I found it hard not to be dismissive about its abilities, when the Vista was still high on my top ten favourites list. So how is the Cruz doing now that it’s left home and trying to make its own way in the world?…

UPPAbaby G-Luxe Review

Travelling with children can be a fractious event, so minimising the hassle factor is a must. Downsizing, and leaving your all-singing all-dancing 3-in-1 at home should be number one priority on your list but when you’re considering a stroller, which one do you choose? We have the brand new UPPAbaby G-Luxe in the offices to see if it is worthy of your consideration…

UPPAbaby Vista Review

UPPAbaby is a family run, relatively new business, that has been manufacturing since September 2006 and has only been in the UK since June this year, so you will be excused if you haven’t heard of them but you won’t be excused for overlooking them. We take the ‘Vista’, their combination pushchair, apart.

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