Hi I'm Joanne and I am a married mum of three energetic boys and expecting a fourth child in early December. The boys are Scott, 8 years, Ryan 6 years and Adam 2 ½ years. Apart from my full time role as mum I also work part-time 2 ½ days a week. We are always on the go as a family and enjoy being outdoors as much as possible. I have an addiction to prams that has grown rapidly over the past few years so I am looking forward to test driving the new Quinny Yezz.
Quick Summary: After having the Yezz I couldn't imagine using another pram for a toddler and since my eldest son was born almost 9 years ago I have had more prams than I could list and have never been more pleased with a pram for my toddlers. It has been the most expensive pram I would have had for the toddler years but found the ease of use and versatility of the Yezz more than worth the price.
Whats good?
- Super light weight and compact
- Quick and easy fold
- Shoulder strap for carrying
- Can easily accommodate children of all sizes
- Modern and interesting design
Whats not so good?
- Badly fitting unattractive raincover
- Raincover not included
Table of contents
- First impressions
- May 21st 2012
- May 24th 2012
- May 28th 2012
- June 1st 2012
- June 6th 2012
- June 8th 2012
- June 18th 2012
- June 20th 2012
- July 7th 2012
- July 14th 2012
- July 2012
- August 6th 2012
- August 9th 2012
- August 14th 2012
- August 20th 2012
- August 23rd 2012
- August 27th 2012
- August 30th 2012
- September 3rd 2012
- September 7th 2012
- September 10th 2012
- September 18th 2012
- September 24th 2012
- October 2nd 2012
- October 6th 2012
- October 10th 2012
- October 14th 2012
- October 18th 2012
- October 22nd 2012
- October 25th 2012
- October 29th 2012
- November 3rd 2012
- November 8th 2012
- November 12th 2012
- November 16th 2012
- November 20th 2012
- November 24th 2012
First impressions
The Quinny Yezz arrived in such a small box that already I knew Quinny were on to something, space is not a luxury we have so storage is a big issue in our house. The Yezz came in two parts, the frame and the seat fabric. Easy as pie in a few minutes the fabric clicked onto the frame and we were good to go. The seat is roomy and even my 2 ½ year old will have room to grow, of course out of curiosity my 8 year old popped in and could comfortable sit in it. The Yezz is light, on a quick indoor test it glided along the floor and turned with little effort, I cannot wait to get it out and about and see just how well it moves. We may miss the storage basket with the Yezz but time will tell. On first impressions we are excited to get out and about with the Yezz and tackle our daily obstacles and see how it fairs.
So far the most exciting aspects of the Yezz are;
- Funky, sleek look
- Unique gliding wheels
- Spacious, comfortable seat
- Easy one hand push handle
- Compact fold
May 21st 2012
We have been to town in the Yezz! It is such a pleasing pram for in and about shops, it glides along the shop floors and is easily maneuvered with one hand. I did find that with the wheels on the Yezz you can’t just leave the pushchair without the brakes on and expect to find it in the same spot you left it, it doesn’t seem to stay put as other pushchairs would.
May 24th 2012

You wouldn’t believe how neat and tidy the Yezz is until you actually see it for yourself, I am so impressed at how little space I need in my boot for it, total space saver.
The Yezz was certainly made for sunny days and ice-cream lovers, just back from a lovely stroll with the kids for ice-cream and pushed the Yezz the whole way home and up and down kerbs one handed, perfect.
May 28th 2012
Not that it happens very often with an energetic 2 year old but after a busy morning at the park and lovely stroll home my little man fell asleep in the Yezz, with no recline feature I worried that this wouldn’t be comfortable but as you can see from the pic with a child of his age the slightly tilted seat back on the Yezz allows for a comfortable nap with no bobbing head.
The first negative point I would have to point out with the Yezz would be that although the inline skate type wheels are super easy to push and glide along smooth ground they don’t do so well across rougher terrain. On rough paths or gravel every little stone catches the solid wheels and vibrates up through the pushchair making it difficult to push and very bumpy for the child.
June 1st 2012
I can’t believe how many people are stopping me to ask about the Yezz, we must be the first in town to have one and other Mums are curious. The main comments are on the visible appeal of the pram as it looks really modern and the colour is so vibrant – green curve. They are then very interested to know how easy it actually is to push and on more than one occasion they have asked to give it a quick go themselves.
June 6th 2012

After such a weather change over this past week we have been having problems, not with the Yezz but with the rain cover. As my son can’t see through the whole thing he refuses to keep it on and doesn’t like it one little bit. To be honest I don’t like the rain cover myself I think the grey takes the look off the pram and if I was inside I would want to see what was happening around me!
June 8th 2012
The Yezz is so easy to fold, push a button on the handle and pull the lower lever, which is at foot level, towards you with your foot and push down on the handle, the clip secures the whole thing in place and allows you to leave it free standing, so handy.
A little tricky to do with flip flops but you can use your hand to pull the lever also.
June 18th 2012
We have had our first seat disaster with the Yezz, while eating his lolly my son managed to drop most of it in his seat and I didn’t realise until we got home, major seat mess. I worried that the lovely Green Curve was going to be ruined. Luckily enough with some soap water and serious scrubbing, off came the lolly. I was able to let the pram air dry in the sun and the seat is now good as new. It is reassuring to know that spills and stains can easily be removed from the fabric of the Yezz and the pushchair can look good as new in no time.
June 20th 2012

Today has been the first time I have had to try and hold Adam into the seat while trying to secure the buckle, not an easy job when he struggles as the harness needs both left and right side to be secured into each other then into the center part of the harness, this was a tough job but we managed it in the end! I do much prefer those harnesses that you can clip one side at a time, especially for bigger kids who may struggle.
I have found that my son can escape the harness of many pushchairs and especially the shoulder straps, which I’m sure most toddlers can do. This is especially easy to do with the Yezz which then allows him to hang over the front of the pushchair trying to stop the wheels with his hands, ouch! He was always able to do this with our previous pushchair and often I had to push it on the back two wheels only. Fantastically with the Yezz, much as he tries he cannot interfere with the wheels while I am pushing it. Thank you Quinny.

I have found that the shape of the handle bars on the Yezz doesn’t allow you to hang any extra bags on the pram, which I miss especially doing the school run and ending up with coats and bags. The little storage pocked on the back does carry a surprising amount but isn’t much use for bags. I have found an answer. A little buggy clip easily hangs on the carry strap behind the frame, and I am able to hang quite a bit on there, so long as you remove the bags before the child it works great.
July 7th 2012
With all this rain we have been out and about quite a bit through all the puddles and mud and I have found that with the little wheels on the Yezz they are really easily washed clean. In order to get it cleaned up for the boot of the car a little water and quick wipe and they are done. Unlike larger wheels with groves that I found difficult to clean quickly so that my boot wasn’t muddy too.
Unfortunately as the rain cover is terrible on the Yezz I would have appreciated a larger hood to help keep my son dry when we are caught out in the rain. If we are lucky enough to get the sun back I think this was also be of benefit when shading my child from the sun.
July 14th 2012
I’m having problems folding my Yezz, I’m not sure why it suddenly has become more difficult but It has been a pain and I have had to put it into the car unfolded twice just to get home. I think this is going to need some further investigation.
We were at our local Outlet store recently and the majority of the paths are cobbled, this was interesting in the Yezz. Every little bump is felt through the little wheels but on this occasion Adam could not have been more amused with the bumps and shouted ‘more’ every time i tried to avoid them. Although it did soon become less than fun for me after the first 5 minutes.
July 2012
We have just returned from a fantastic holiday in Legoland Windsor with the Yezz and have been pleasently surprised with just how fantastic it turned out to be for travelling and in the Legoland Park itself.
The Yezz was fantastic for travelling, my 8 1/2 year old son Scott was easily able to carry it over his shoulder to and from the cars and taxi’s when it wasn’t in use and easily collect it from the baggage claim after our flight.

It was light as a feather on the escalators in the airport with and without Adam in it. Going through security was a breeze as it quickly folded up to go through the scanner and on the way Adam was asleep and they happily let him remain in the Yezz to go through. We also traveled on a double decker bus where the boys wanted to sit upstairs, of course, and the Yezz quickly folded and came upstairs with us.

In the hotel the Yezz was neat enough for it and all of us to fit into the small lifts when travelling through floors. It also is a perfect height for independent little toddlers who love pressing the buttons, Adam was easily able to select floors from inside the Yezz.
In our room as the Yezz folds and stands alone we were easily able to store it out of the way. As the Hotel had its own swimming pool we often visited it and as many parents of little kids will know the water often makes kids sleepy so we had to take the Yezz with us, I was so surprised to find it fitted into the locker in the changing room.
Once dried Adam often fell straight to sleep while the rest of us got dressed and as the Yezz doesn’t take up too much room it easily fitted into the family cubicle.

The Legoland park is full of hills and I found the Yezz perfect for this as it is so light to push, I noticed a lot of parents struggling with heavy prams and was glad of the Yezz especially on the hills. As there is a lot of walking involved Adam was in the Yezz quite a lot and was easily able to climb in and out of the Yezz himself which I found to be a real time saver going from one ride to another. Due to the amount of walking on a number of occasions our bigger boys hopped in the Yezz and we were able to push it as easily as with Adam.
We experienced some fantastic weather while on holidays so did think the hood didn’t provide excellent shade from the sun but was definetly adequate enough if you could position the pram in the right direction. We did have a sun shade we attached to the Yezz to provide the extra bit of coverage especially when Adam was sleeping, which worked really well and folded up neatly into the back pouch.

The seat was great for the heat as Adam didn’t sweat sitting in it which I have found a problem with some other buggys, the fabric seems to help keep him cool. Our two boys aged 8 and 6 were also happy to push the Yezz at times and found it very easy to do. We were able to hang numerous items on the back of the pram using a buggy clip and this didn’t interfere with the pushing of the pram at all.
After travelling with the Yezz and using it most of every day I couldn’t be more happy with it for my growing toddler, he enjoys sitting in it and is happy to do so which is an absolute bonus. He can sleep comfortably in it when needed and it is such a joy to push about. I really believe Quinny is onto a winner with the Yezz.
August 6th 2012
I am finding it odd that I have yet to see a single other Yezz being used out and about, I have seen one in ONLY one baby store so Northern Ireland must be a bit behind the rest of the UK, NI has no idea what it is missing. Although even in Legoland I didn’t see another Yezz. I am definitely feeling I have some secret knowledge other mums are missing out on.
August 9th 2012
Now being 5 months pregnant and being less able to cart about heavy or large things, the Yezz had been a perfect pram for my toddler. After resolving my folding issues (user error, whoops) it quickly can be collapsed and lifted in and out of the car. It doesn’t cause a strain to push about and has plenty of room between me and the handles so that my growing bump doesn’t get in the way.
August 14th 2012
This week my sister borrowed the Yezz, she had been itching to test drive it and now at 8 months old little Calleum was going for a spin.
Her thoughts were first of all on how manoeverable the Yezz was and how she was easily able to hold the older kids hand while pushing the Yezz across roads one handed. Calleum loved sitting looking about and watching everything that was going on, but he soon got tired and without a recline feature on the Yezz this proved difficult to settle him for a nap.
Another draw back with the Yezz for babies is that the shoulder straps don’t adjust down far enough for them and the straps pass either side of his little head rather than securing over the shoulders. So although Calleum enjoyed his journey out in the Yezz it just wouldn’t be a practicle pram for everyday use for this tot.
August 20th 2012

I was having a think about how the Yezz would fair come the winter should I need to put a footmuff into it to keep my little one warm and cosy.
I was worried that as there didn’t seem to be an optional extra of a footmuff from Quinny especially for the Yezz and it might need one of the other Quinny type footmuffs, however to my surprise the one I had fitted perfectly.
It was easily fitted on through the straps and the wide seat of the Yezz help to accommodate the sides of the footmuff that on a previous pram had fallen onto my little ones head. The bottom of it fell nicely in line with the lower foot well and as the Quinny isn’t as low to the ground as some other prams there shouldn’t be the annoying problem of the footmuff dragging or slipping on the ground and getting wet and dirty.

August 23rd 2012
I love how the brakes on the Yezz are operated by stepping down rather than pushing up with your toes, they are so easily operated even with flip flops. The right had side is red and when you step on it puts the brakes on. To release just step on the left hand side. Perfect.
August 27th 2012
As the Yezz is so compact when folded it really gives you so many options for storage spots, here are just a few places that you can find it being stored in our house.
August 30th 2012

The Yezz has three difference slots for choosing the height of the straps, these give great growing room for your child from baby to toddler. The straps are so easy and quick to change position, they are fixed at the base of the seat and removable at the top shoulder area of the strap, which you slip through the hole and it secures on the back of the fabric with a little buckle that stops it coming back through the fabric again, simple but effective.
However I did notice when its in the lowest position and you want to tighten the straps for a much smaller child the little slide buckle that secures the position can collide with the locking area, I think this would only be problem for a very petite baby if at all.
September 3rd 2012
I am not a tall parent myself but for those of you that are or have tall partners it might be useful to know that the handle height of the Quinny Yezz is 104 cm from the ground. The handle is not height adjustable on the Yezz.
September 7th 2012
I thought a few dimensions of the Yezz might be handy for anyone wanting to take the Yezz on holiday or just for general information. It is super light at only 5kg. When folded the Yezz is only 25cm x 66cm x 29cm. It has a self catching clip so it doesn’t pop back up once you think you have it folded.

September 10th 2012
I just love the different colours the Yezz comes in it really gives so much scope for suiting the personality of you and your little one.
September 18th 2012
I met another mum this week who was really interested in buying the Yezz and had a few questions that I thought I would share. Her daughter was just approaching two years old.
1) Do you miss the recline feature?
Personally no, at first I thought it would be an issue if Adam wanted to nap but I have found he can easily snooze in the Yezz as it is so comfortable and there is a slight tilt to the back of the chair so his head doesn’t slump forward as it might in other pushchairs.
2) What is the rain cover like?
Terrible! it doesn’t stay on the pram well at all and I think it looks awful as it is all grey. Adam particularly doesn’t like it and I think this is because he only has a small window to see out of and he feels as if he is missing out.
3) Can it fit into a really small boot?
Absolutely, it really is compact and takes up very little space and I have found recently that when folded the handle bars can also fold down again making the whole thing narrower.
4) Is it worth £175 in comparison to cheaper prams that do the same thing?
That’s easy yes, I have had a lot of prams and for toddlers I couldn’t recommend a better pram, it may be a little more that some of the others on the market but the advantages it has are fantastic. When pushing a heavier child in the Yezz you wouldn’t notice where as many others feel the strain in the wheels and become difficult to turn and make the whole experience of pushing the pram a chore where as the Yezz is always a joy to push.
September 24th 2012
With the rain as bad as it was today and it being predicted for the next few days the Yezz will be house bound, there is nothing that would convince me to take it out with the raincover that comes with the Yezz and with a toddler who hates raincovers at the best of times I just couldn’t face it. I think for the autumn and winter it would be best to buy a universal raincover that secures to the pram and keeps Adam dry and that he could see through.
October 2nd 2012

I have noticed that with the Yezz and going up small kerbs or steps there can often be a problem that when pulling the Yezz backwards up them it engages the brakes, this makes it really difficult when you are attempting a number of steps at a time and have no one to help you, this gives you no option but to continue on with putting brakes off then pulling the pram which puts them on again, this is very frustrating.
October 6th 2012
We took Adam to the cinema today for the first time, we had to take the Yezz to get there as its a bit of a walk so did worry what we might do with the Yezz while we were watching the movie. Due to the compact size of the Yezz we were able to fold it up as neat as it goes and as it free stands we left it at the end of our row just a few seats down from us. The staff were happy for it to sit there as it didn’t cause any obstruction to the other cinema goers and we could glance across to check it was still there, perfect.

October 10th 2012
As the cold weather is fast approaching it was time to test the Yezz with Adam in his big winter coat, as he is almost 3 and getting bigger I wondered how the straps would cope with extending even further to accomodate his new coat. Not a bother for the Yezz, the straps were able to extend with plenty of room for growth.
October 14th 2012
Often when we go to the town to shop Adam will happily sit in the Yezz while we go from shop to shop then when its time to get the groceries he only wants into the trolley. So with the Yezz, instead of having to go the whole way back to the car to swop to the trolley, we can easily fold it up and put it in the trolley with plenty of space left for the shopping and Adam.
October 18th 2012

Being in my final trimester and growing rapidly in size it is fantastic to have such a light weight easy to use pram to accommodate Adam, he is now way too fast for me to keep up with so fortunately for me he is happy to sit in the Yezz, and my growing bump doesn’t get in the way when pushing.
October 22nd 2012
Nothing beats an Autumn walk with the kids, we love being out and about and luckily the Yezz can tackle