My Babiie MB300 Review

4.0 / 5
Designed by celebrity mum Samantha Faiers as part of her Dreamiie range for My Babiie, the MB300 travel system in classic nautical or soft grey stripes is stylish and practical.

Quick Summary: The MB300 is an edgy looking pushchair that provides everything you need to travel with baby all in one box.

Whats good?

  • High seat position
  • Extra large hood
  • Wide seat unit
  • Fashion forward design
  • Reversible seat unit with good recline positions

Whats not so good?

  • Big and bulky fold size
  • Included car seat is not ISOFIX
  • Fold lock can be fiddly

Things we love

You get absolutely everything you need to travel in one box! The car seat, carrycot, seat unit and pushchair frame all for under £500 - this is almost unheard of in the pushchair world these days! It's nice that the design has a certain 'edge' to it and the celeb status attached to the fabrics being designed by television personality and mum-of-two Samantha Faiers is a bonus if you're a fan and not obtrusive in the branding if you're not. The frame itself is light but the wheels add a bit of weight to this if you are lifting it in and out of the car boot regularly. The wheels are made of a fabulous material and the whole system pushes really smoothly. We had no problems going over grass and gravel and baby didn't even notice the change in terrain, which is always a positive. The seat is really roomy with great recline options and the hood gives brilliant coverage too. We also loved the high seat position as your little passengers are able to be really inquisitive and watch the world around them. The viewing panel in the hood is large, which was really handy for checking in on baby.

The fold is operated with one hand and is a really smooth action. There is a knack to getting the frame lock into place as it is unconventionally placed on each side of the handlebar, but we think it will become second nature with practice.

Things to look out for

The basket is on a slant and unless it is totally full, small items slip and slide around in there and bottles and spillable items always seemed to tip or fall. The size of the whole system might also be a slight bugbear for those with smaller car boots or who need to park the pushchair up in tight spaces. The overall fold package is really quite large but this may not be too much of an issue unless you travel by car a lot. The fashion-forward design might not be everyone's cup of tea but you may warm to them after pushing the stroller as it feels great when you are standing behind the handlebar.

Our verdict

The MB300 is an edgy looking pushchair that provides everything you need to travel with baby all in one box. The extra-smooth push over different terrains really impressed us and our little tester was always comfortable in the generous seat unit. The slanted basket and large fold size are potential issues for some but we really enjoyed getting out and about with the MB300.

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