Kids Kargo Duellette BS Combi Review

4.0 / 5
The Duellette BS Combi is a tandem pushchair for a newborn and toddler that can also transform into a double for two toddlers.

Quick Summary: For all of the seating options it lays on the table and at such a brilliant price, the Kids Kargo Duellette BS Combi is a great option for parents who need a double pushchair but do not want to spend a fortune.

Whats good?

  • Great price
  • Lots of different configurations
  • Great extendable hoods on both seats
  • Longevity of use

Whats not so good?

  • Heavy
  • Difficult to steer when fully laden
  • Very small break pedal

Things we love

We've seen so many posts about the Kids Kargo Duellette range of pushchairs. They are proving really popular amongst parents with siblings and twins and it is easy to see why when you look at the price tag. The Duellette BS Combi slashes the cost of other tandem pushchairs available right now and offers the same practicalities.  

In the box is the pushchair, all-in-one carrycot that transforms into a seat unit and second seat unit, along with the raincover. We set the Duellette up in various modes and actually had great fun exploring all of the seating options! The chassis feels strong and the leatherette handlebars and bumper bars from the Tan pack upgrade were a nice touch to the finish of the pushchair.

We found the seat units really easy and fuss-free to use but by far our favourite feature was the huge extendable canopies on each seat/carrycot. The extra panels gave fabulous coverage and the ventilation panels are a perfect way to ensure fresh air is flowing through into baby's space whilst you are out and about.

If you don't need to have the Duellette BS Combi set up as a double then there is also the option to use it as a single by covering over the adapters, which have clever little elasticated slips that neatly pop over them whilst not in use.

The huge shopping basket provides more than enough storage space but remember this is reduced slightly when you have your carrycot or a toddler seat in the lower position.

Things to look out for

The pushchair itself is quite heavy to lift in and out of a car and when fully laden with two babies it was difficult to manoeuvre up and down curbs and around tighter corners.

It is also worth noting that the brake pedal, situated by the right rear wheel, is very small and you really need to tuck your toes in to be able to reach it around the second seat/carrycot when it's in place in the lower position.

The fold is really easy to operate after removing the seats but it will fill your car boot unless you drive a very large people carrier/4x4, which is something to keep in mind.


For all of the seating options it lays on the table and at such a brilliant price, the Kids Kargo Duellette BS Combi is a great option for parents who need a double pushchair but do not want to spend a fortune.

It's heavy and can be hard to manoeuvre but in actual fact our passengers were always more than comfortable in the carrycot or seat units and happy babies make for happy parents!

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